Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Entering the New World of 'Blogger'

This is my first attempt to start a blog! I'm really excited! I don't really have any *major*  themes for this blog... so I'm just going to fill it with little random thoughts! :)  First off, I am sixteen years old, I play the piano, and I am learning the Mandolin, I have four siblings (Katie, Emily, Rebekah and Matthew) and two wonderful parents! My mother home-schools us! I have a beautiful fat and fluffy cat named Pierre -he is my sweetheart ;) I am in choir, and we meet on Fridays in Springfield... that is the highlight of my week, because I have the most *amazing* friends, there! God has blessed me in so many ways, I have SO much to be thankful for!


  1. YAY! Another convert to the blogosphere! Looking forward to following you! :)

  2. You introduced Pierre, but what about Omega and your horses? :(
    I'm glad you started a blog (even though I think WordPress is better!:P lol) I love you girl and I can't wait to read your next post!

  3. Eeeeeeee!!!!!! I am SO glad u got a blog!!! Keeping up with you this aummer is gonna be pretty much a blast. :D I *LOVE* cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You never told me you had one! I gotta meet him sometime. <3 don't let your blog fizzle out! A lot of people get them and never use them! :D Gosh. I'm beginning to sound like an adult! Lol! Ok. C u around!
